Quantum StorNext Q-Cloud
Easy. Flexible. On-demand.
StorNext® Q-Cloud Archive provides easy and cost-effective on-demand access to cloud storage for increased flexibility, protection, and availability. Fully integrated into StorNext 5 and extends intelligent policy-based tiering into the cloud. No additional hardware or software required.
What is StorNext Q-Cloud Archive?
StorNext Q-Cloud Archive provides access to a virtually limitless pool of off-premise storage through StorNext 5 data management software. Just set your policies based on your business requirements and StorNext automatically copies or moves data to highly reliable, always-available cloud storage—with no scripts, programming, or manual processes. Use it for enhanced data protection, on-the-fly scalability, or to offload content from primary storage. The choice is yours.
Integrated Cloud Storage for StorNext
Besides being an incredibly high-performance file system for large data sets and streaming files, StorNext® is also known for scalability and automated data management. StorNext users enjoy reduced administration and storage costs by automatically tiering their data to the most appropriate and cost-effective media for the moment. Q-Cloud™ Archive doesn’t just extend data tiering to the cloud—it integrates the cloud into your workflows to make the availability and flexibility of the cloud easier than ever to leverage.
Effortless Cloud Integration
Cloud providers have storage you can use, but how you access it is left up to you. This can mean adding time-consuming manual processes or even worse, costly code development to automate transfers. Some storage providers offer the cloud as a destination, without much regard for the overhead involved in getting there.
Quantum has taken a different approach to cloud access. We believe that storage should support your applications and workflow; therefore, a cloud that acts like a separate process is a poor solution. By building cloud access directly into StorNext data management software, you gain the ability to use the cloud to enhance your storage environment without changing your processes, modifying your applications, traversing gateways, or installing extra software.
The moment you decide that cloud storage fits your needs, Q-Cloud Archive is ready—it’s built into StorNext data management software and available from a drop-down menu. There’s no set-up fee, no installation, no programming, and no delay.
Flexible And Cost-effective
Q-Cloud Archive provides on-demand capacity—exactly the amount you need, exactly when you need it. Using StorNext policybased data management, you determine the files you want in the cloud and for how long—scaling dynamically along with your requirements. Whether you’re taking on a new capacity-dependent project, growing faster than expected, or building out a new business initiative, StorNext Q-Cloud Archive provides infrastructure flexibility that eliminates capital expenditure, data center space and cooling, and admin costs. StorNext Q-Cloud Archive is designed to help you manage your costs and keeps you apprised of usage and billing as you go along.
Reliable And Secure
Q-Cloud Archive aggregates the industry’s leading cloud services to provide the reliability and security you need. Data is replicated for added resilience and stored in multiple geographic locations. As for data security, Q-Cloud Archive keeps your files encrypted in flight and at rest. You needn’t sacrifice your security policies just because you’re leveraging the cloud.
Q-Cloud Archive can also become a component of your overall data protection strategy. Use it to keep additional copies of high-value content. As a target of policy-based tiering, you can simultaneously copy content to both the cloud and to tape. Data security also applies to removing content when required. When it’s time to delete, StorNext data management removes content from all tiered systems and keeps a log for compliance purposes.
The Ultimate Data Management Utility
Q-Cloud Archive provides StorNext users with a level of flexibility and control that simply doesn’t exist in other systems. The unique combination of a managed storage environment and almost instant adaptation to changing demands and new workflows provides a new level of freedom and control for IT and business units.
Building Blocks Of The StorNext Architecture
The building blocks of the StorNext architecture include primary storage, extended online storage, tape archives, and cloud—all powered by StorNext 5 data management, the industry’s fastest streaming file system and policy-driven tiering software.
Easy to use cloud
Q-Cloud Archive is built into StorNext,
making it one of the easiest ways to
incorporate the cloud into your workflows
Flexible scalability
Driven by award-winning StorNext policybased
data management. Use only what
you need, only when you need it
No additional software or hardware
StorNext users have nothing to install and
nothing new to learn
Available on demand
When we say it’s built in, we mean it—
Q-Cloud Archive is there when you click
on it
Replication and data integrity is core to
the functionality
Server-side data encryptions protect
data-in-flight and data-at-rest
Control costs
Scale without up-front installation or
capital expenditure. Protect data as
long as needed at a predictable rate.
StorNext 5 Scale-Out Storage Diagram:
Fig. 1: With Q-Cloud Archive, StorNext 5 brings cloud storage into demanding workflows
Download the Quantum StorNext Q-Cloud Datasheet (PDF).