Quantum StorNext 5 Data Management
Workflow storage for today’s most demanding environments
Powering Workflows.
At the core of all Quantum scale-out storage is StorNext® 5 data management—the industry’s fastest streaming file system and policy-based tiering software, designed from the ground up for large sets of large files. StorNext 5 data management has the proven reliability and performance required for complex information workflows.
What is StorNext 5 Data Management?
StorNext 5 data management software manages file sharing for complex workflows in StorNext scale-out storage environments, for files stored on primary disk, extended online storage, and tape. And while StorNext 5 meets demanding performance requirements, enables customers to scale to hundreds of petabytes, and integrates easily into collaborative workflows—that’s not why customers choose it. They choose StorNext 5 because it’s all of that—combined. The optimal balance of performance, scale, flexibility, and economy.
Data management in today’s world is challenging. Advances in camera, satellite, sensor, and seismic technologies are creating a massive influx of data that needs to be captured, processed, shared, and preserved. Government agencies need shared access to data so they can deliver increased situational awareness. Corporations are increasing their use of video to promote products and train employees, stressing traditional IT. Broadcasters are challenged with always-on devices that require more formats in more places at more times than ever. The fact that data is being kept longer to be repurposed in the future—combined with data growth and budget pressures—leads to a need for high-performance, scalable storage that is also cost-effective.
Proven Performance For Collaboration & Shared Access
Performance can mean the difference between meeting a deadline or failing to deliver. This is true for analysts who protect national security and for researchers who study extreme weather. Live sports producers need support for multi-stream high-res broadcast—and with HD and 4K, post-production editors need rock-solid performance, too. Built on the industry’s fastest streaming file system, StorNext® 5 scale-out storage is proven in these complex workflows—and gives users immediate, highspeed shared access to their files.
Optimal Combination Of Performance, Scale, Flexibility, And Economy
Whether capturing geospatial imagery, ingesting next-gen sequencing data, or collecting network traffic for cybersecurity—StorNext 5 users are changing the world, every day. And while each workflow is different—some things remain the same: the data is invaluable, the data is growing, the data cannot be recreated, and the data must be preserved—so it can be repurposed in the future, in ways that can’t be imagined today. With primary storage, extended online storage, and tape archive, and cloud tiers, StorNext 5 delivers the optimal combination of performance, scale, flexibility, and economy—without compromise.
Building Blocks Of The Stornext Architecture
The building blocks of the StorNext architecture include primary storage, extended online storage, and tape archives—all powered by StorNext 5 data management, the industry’s fastest streaming file system and policy-driven tiering software.
Stornext 5 Data Management
StorNext 5 data management software manages file sharing for complex workflows in StorNext scale-out storage environments, for files stored on primary disk, extended online storage, and tape. And while StorNext 5 meets the most demanding performance requirements, enables customers to scale to hundreds of petabytes, and integrates easily into collaborative workflows—that’s not why customers choose it. They choose StorNext 5 because it’s all of that—combined. StorNext 5 data management, with its high-performance file system and policydriven tiering software, combines performance, scale, and flexibility into a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts.
Primary Storage
StorNext primary storage enables high-speed shared access to your critical data. Powered by StorNext 5 data management software, it includes a metadata appliance with a dedicated metadata array, and RAID storage for data. This combination of software, compute, and storage is engineered to solve the world’s biggest storage challenges—and enables you to focus on your workflows rather than the storage. So you can do what you do best.
Extended Online Storage
Built on next-generation object storage technology, Lattus™ is durable online storage that scales to hundreds of petabytes—more economical than primary storage, with better performance than tape. As a policy-driven tier in a StorNext scale-out storage solution, Lattus enables you to extend primary storage with scalable and more cost-effective online storage—ideal for large repositories that have unpredictable access patterns, and for organizations struggling with the challenges of data growth.
Tape Archives
When attached to StorNext primary storage and powered by StorNext 5 data management software, tape archives provide a tier of massively scalable storage. StorNext tape archives enable you to preserve data for the long-term without the cost, space, power consumption, and management of primary disk. With StorNext tape archives and Scalar® tape libraries, you get best-in-class management, monitoring, and data security from the market share leader in LTO tape automation.
Accelerating Your Collaborative Workflows
High-performance access to data is no longer a "nice-to-have."
It’s a critical requirement in order to stay competitive and meet demanding schedules. Which is why Quantum’s scale-out storage offerings are built on StorNext 5 data management software. StorNext 5 is singularly focused on delivering extreme streaming performance to enable fast ingest and shared access—making it the ideal choice for collaboration on large sets of large files.
Scaling Smart & Scaling Big
Data growth is a fact of life.
More files, bigger files, and advanced workflows that can turn all this data into insight and action. Today, more than ever, scale matters. StorNext 5 data management software is designed to enable collaboration on large sets of large files. And with its policy-based tiering, StorNext 5 gives you cost-effective options to preserve vast amounts of data for the future.
Flexible—For Your Unique Workflow
Enables file sharing across different technologies to fit your workflow.
Use StorNext SAN clients over Fibre Channel for the most demanding high-performance workflows. Or enable users to share files over IP, with StorNext LAN clients at speeds up to 50% faster than NFS and CIFS. Deploy StorNext with clients that run Linux, Windows, UNIX, or Mac OS—they all work. And with StorNext’s policy-based tiering, you can integrate different types of storage into a single namespace that can include SSDs, spinning disk, object storage, and LTO/LTFS tape. Now that’s flexible.
Leveraging the Economics of Tiered Storage
Many customers tell us the value of tiered storage is in the economics.
The ability to automatically migrate data from one type of storage to another—over time, by policy. And tiering empowers you to move less-frequently used data to the most cost-effective, “green” storage with best-in-class data integrity. But the real value in tiered storage comes from transparency. Even when a file has been tiered to a different type of storage, the file looks like it’s right where you left it. So your users can find what they need. No distractions, no compromise.
Features & Benefits
Industry’s best streaming performance
Meets the most extreme requirements for fast ingest & access, accelerating workflows and increasing the number of projects that can be managed.
Enables shared access
Increases productivity for tens, hundreds, or thousands of users with simultaneous file sharing via SAN and LAN.
Built for scale. Petascale.
Supports billions of files to keep up with your data growth.
Flexible access
Fits seamlessly into existing workflows and networking infrastructure, to lower administrative costs and increase investment protection.
Intelligent & cost-effective tiered storage
Enables transparent access to files regardless of whether stored on SSD, disk, object storage, or LTO/LTFS tape.
Powered by StorNext 5 data management
Built on StorNext 5—the industry’s fastest streaming file system.
Powered by StorNext 5 intelligent data management.
StorNext 5 data management enables teams of 15 or 1,500 to collaborate, with high-speed shared access to files. Regardless of operating system, regardless of network topology. And StorNext 5 data management is designed for big scale and billions of files. With policy-driven tiering, you can transparently archive files to different types of storage, enabling you to affordably scale capacity—without impacting users and workflows.
Fig. 1: StorNext 5 Scale-out Storage powers the world’s most demanding information workflows.
Fig. 2: Complex Information Workflows served by Quantum’s StorNext 5 Scale-out Storage.
Download the Quantum StorNext 5 Data Management Datasheet (PDF).